PinnedPublished inNoob Learning⚙️ Hello Rust on CloudRunThere’s no official support for deploy and run Rust in Google Cloud Platform like Firebase Function just yet. The currently good candidate…Mar 3, 2022Mar 3, 2022
PinnedPublished inLevel Up CodingRust/Wasm bindgen JSON stringify UInt8ArrayIt’s unwilling but sometime you can’t avoid some weird stringify from some source, In my case = wallet extension that accept params from…Feb 5, 2023Feb 5, 2023
Published inBetter ProgrammingState of LLaMA 2023/Q1Here’s a mind map for AI/ML ChatGPT (and Rust 🦀) related to the current state (and counting) for my own use.Apr 10, 2023Apr 10, 2023
Rust Stable Diffusion with diffuser-rs🦀 I curious that can we do Stable Diffusion things with Rust? Turn out there’s a way to do just that via FFI which I never think I will…Mar 8, 2023Mar 8, 2023
Medium clap bot?Some kind of script or bot try to pump follower by (not even randomly) clap to get attention? (Do ping me back if you’re not)Dec 30, 2022Dec 30, 2022
Published inNoob LearningCut Word with Wasm✂️ Let’s cut the word (Khmer, Lao, Myanmar, and Thai) on web via Wasm.Oct 30, 2022Oct 30, 2022
How to build mdBook with Github Actions📚 Step by step mdBook deploy to github page with github actions, it should be simple but guide…Oct 27, 20221Oct 27, 20221
Published inAvareum Research⚙️ The State of WASMThis is another research about WASM aka WebAssembly from Avareum Team on 2022–03 to explore the new frontier of full stacks development.Mar 18, 20224Mar 18, 20224
⚙️ Hello WASM on FirebaseHere’s a (rare) working example for WASM on Firebase Cloud Function (NodeJS) with wasm-bindgen. It should be a good starter for ordinary…Feb 19, 2022Feb 19, 2022
Published inAvareum Research⛓ State of Blockchain 2021This is a blockchain developer’s reference for Avareum development purposes. What you will see below is only an assumption based on random…Nov 13, 2021Nov 13, 2021