It’s working as expected at first export, but suddenly took me a day to resolve this! So I will log it down here just in case I forget the combination.
Problem #1
You will have “cut off” animation issue if your animation is more than 250 frames (mine is 291)
Solution #1
- Go to Object Data Properties (as shown in bottom left of picture)
- Make it End at your animation keyframe length (mine is 291)
- At export option, click to expand Animation setting and uncheck “Always Sample Animations”
Problem #2
You can’t see keyframe
And when I try press “i” for menu then select “Visual LocRotScale”
Solution #2
- Delete unused Rig.
- Export as FBX (with bake transform).
- Import again to new file.
- Select and copy only summary keyframe.
- Now you can paste keyframe and continue to save the world.
I hope no more issue after this! Arghhhh (Oh, yes I still pursuit on my Data Engineer sake this year and this 3d model is a part of it. Can’t wait to show what it is! :D )